Welcome to DiscoverU
DiscoverU is a mentoring afterschool program for adolescents that focuses on improving health and wellbeing. DiscoverU is made possible through partnership between the University YMCA, University of Minnesota, and local middle schools. Learn more!
What are student mentees saying?
"[The mentors] were all very supportive and they were all very loving and kind. [DiscoverU] was probably one of the best things I have ever done." -Student Mentee
“I’m the oldest so I don’t have an older sibling or someone to talk to. So it’s kinda necessary to talk to them [the mentors]...things you don’t wanna tell your parents but you still need someone to talk to. And since they are like older, and since we are getting older they can like teach us things...The dos and the dont’s.” -Student Mentee
"This was a 10/10, will try this at home. The people here are nice. I feel like I belong here." -Student Mentee
What are mentors saying?
“It was so refreshing, just to go to DiscoverU and hang out with these kids and talk to them and hear about what’s going on in their lives. So I always looked forward to that.” – Mentor
“I kind of shifted my schedule around to be here both days, just because I enjoyed it so much. I realized that we were doing certain activities on one day…and I didn’t want to miss out. So, I made some adjustments to be here both days and get the full experience.” -Mentor
What are school staff saying?
“[DiscoverU] is like relationships on steroids…anything that we could do to help people to feel connected. This is good.” -School staff
“The mentors you guys had were really incredible…they were all around really good, even with that type of [adolescent] personality that usually is pretty quiet.” -School Staff
“Especially with some of our students, and coming out of the pandemic, and just like the way it is now, I feel like… we're serving very much of a need for students.” -School Staff